Three critical design factors for your home in temperate climates:
You get this right and heating and cooling any home is remarkably simple and straight forward.
This is the most critical aspect of inslab heating.
An uninsulated slab will increase your running costs significantly, 50% or more in additional costs is not uncommon. With the heat transfer from conduction, heat is moving in the solid object (concrete) in all directions equally. The amount of heat transferred from your heated 40 degrees water pipe to the concrete is enormous; the loss or wasted energy from the concrete into the ground needs to be stopped, you need a thermal break between the ground and the slab.
Insulation under concrete slabs has been standard for decades in colder climates around the world.
Insulation is required in climate zones 8, but only edge slab insulation for climate zone 7 with inslab heating under the BCA.
See below some design schematics to assist your builder or engineer with a good insulated slab design.
Also we have some pictures for an insulated concrete design in the gallery page.